Education concerns – naturally!
When you move to Switzerland to set up home, your children’s education is paramount. And trust me, it is not as difficult as it all seems. Different – yes. Complex …
Education concerns – naturally! WeiterlesenWhen you move to Switzerland to set up home, your children’s education is paramount. And trust me, it is not as difficult as it all seems. Different – yes. Complex …
Education concerns – naturally! WeiterlesenLiving in Israel as a parent in times of war has reshaped how I view safety, resilience, and community, especially regarding the impact on children. A report on children living in Israel by Ina Ora Nisa
Growing Up Under Threat: The Unseen Impact of War on Israeli Children WeiterlesenInterviews With Cultural Workers from Bern, Zürich and Lucerne Maya Taneva Through the action-week against racism in Bern (Aktionswoche gegen Rassismus in Bern) and through the rich program of events, …
Structural Racism in Swiss Culture WeiterlesenImagine there’s no countries It isn’t hard to do Nothing to kill or die for And no religion too Imagine all the people Living life in peace John Lennon John …
Orient Express Film Festival – world without borders WeiterlesenParul Chhaparia There are two types of us. The ones who find peace with their faith and traditions during a crisis and the others who struggle with their faith when …
Corona’s Godly connection WeiterlesenDu 30 avril au 13 mai la 21e édition du «Tour de Lorraine» s’est déroulée à Berne. Cette année, une série d’ateliers, de soirées-débats, de lectures et de projections de …
Les Femmes noires laissant un héritage : lecture „I will be different every time…“ pendant le Tour de Lorraine WeiterlesenLuzern kantonunda bulunan eski askeri kışla odalarını kollektif bir yaşam alanına çeviren Eichwäldli sakinleri yaptıkları eylemle evlerini terk etmeyeceklerini belirtti. İsviçre’nin Luzern kantonunda bulunan eski askeri kışla odalarını kollektif bir …
Luzernliler: Eichwäldli kalmalı WeiterlesenLucify.ch is the voice of intercultural women in Swiss media. Lucify.ch is an online platform for exchange and participation, founded by migrant women media producers willing to create space for …
Lucify.ch Manifesto WeiterlesenLa città di Berna regala anche quest’anno dei buoni di 400.- CHF per frequentare dei corsi di tedesco. Ottenerli è semplice, ma attenzione, l’offerta è valida solo fino al 21. …
Un corso di tedesco sotto l’albero. WeiterlesenThis website uses cookies. By continuing to use this site, you accept our use of cookies.